Full Body Computed Tomography (CT) Scan and Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA)
A computerized tomography (CT) scan, or CT scan, uses a computer to combine multiple x-rays to create cross-sectional images of the body. CTA is a type of medical exam that combines a CT scan with an injection of a special iodine-rich dye called contrast material.
A full body CTA can provide physicians with a road map of how your body systems are functioning, and may provide early warnings of cancer, disease and other health abnormalities.
How do I prepare for the exam?
No preparation is required for all CT scans without contrast.A patients should continue with their regular medication regimen, if any. If required, Patients should fax or bring blood work results for BUN and Creatine prior to the test (your physicians should give you the prescription for the blood work).For CT scans with contrast:
– Oral contrast must be taken at least six hours prior to the test. The patient can pass by our office to pick up the oral contrast solution.
– Do not eat or drink anything after oral contrast is taken.
Check with your physician about any medication you may be taking.
What should I expect during the exam?
CT and CTA scans are painless procedures. The patient will have to lie on the open scanning table and follow instructions from the technologist, including removing any jewelry or clothing with metal parts, such as hair clips, under wire bras, zippers and buttons.
The length of a Full Body CT scan depends mainly on which parts of the body are being scanned and on the use of contrast medications.
What should I expect after the exam?
All of our diagnostic examinations are interpreted by Board-Certified Radiologists.
The results of your CT or CTA scan will be sent to your referring physician as soon as they are interpreted. It is the patients´ responsibility to contact their referring physician to discuss the results of their examination and ask for further recommendations.